These are just some samples of the video work I have done for digital media and televison. For more samples check out our Vimeo Channel!
Working with the agency we developed this video to promote the installation of the new Corona campaign at Bloor-Yonge Street station. Creative Direction and animation produced by Little Red Hen!
Loved working on this product as it involved everything from beginning to end. Together with the client, we found graphics that worked with their vision for their business. From there we worked on script and storyboard ensuring that all important touch points were covered. We sourced out the music and Little Red Hen put it all togther in After Effects!
12 wonderful years we had the pleasure to edit Universal Pictures' creative for digital signage throughout Toronto and Montreal. The client provided a trailer and the movie poster and we were given complete creative freedom to tell the story...with no audio. Something that has somewhat become a standard in social media. We can say we did it first!
After working on Jurassic Park III many years ago, we were very excited that the franchise was brought back with Jurassic World...and we got to work on another digital media piece for Universal! What could be better.
Little Red Hen has always donated time to charities that we believe have a significant impact on the lives around us. This creative was produced based on a poster provided by the client to air on Digital screens in the GTA.
You may have seen this a few times driving down the Gardner. It seems so long ago we did this piece and yet its still being used today. All motion graphics from a simple poster.
Collaborating with the agency, we produced this animation in After Effects. So much fun! This is one of 3 developed.
Partnering with another production agency we did the motion graphics and effects as well as final assembly while the agency provided film and audio.
Popeye's had just come to Canada when this was produced so they had very little in terms of creative to use. We were given a jpeg and asked to pull it apart and animate it . After quite a bit of retouching in Photoshop it all came together - and was so much fun!
The client already had a perfect logo which made design inspiration easy! Using the colours and style of the logo we produced a storyboard based on the client's script. With the client's background in radio and passion for new media and our love of design and motion design we made this on time and on budget!
Working with the agency, this creative was produced to promote RSP season as part of a countdown series which was scheduled to play on digital screens in the GTA. A different video would play day as the deadline neared.
This was one of many marketing pieces for Rexall's internal digital screen network. Clients provide still jpeg ads and we animate based on the client request.